Realm of I and We

The poem explores the journey through various emotional realms, reflecting on hidden pain, the struggle for self-awareness, and the perpetual presence of fear and contemplation in the realm of “I and we.” Despite life’s continuity, the narrator remains lost in a cycle of introspection and unspoken connections.
I wonder where we are headed next,
From realm to realm, through hate and devilment.
A single heartfelt tear cried long ago,
With untold hidden pain, destined to remain so.
My eyes lost in deep contemplation,
I find myself once again in the realm of I and we.
Pretending to be fearless, I donned my masks,
But dominated by my soul, I broke into my own.
Light is a realm that reveals another realm,
I opened my eyes to the untold time,
Yet again, I found myself in a thoughtless, speechless state,
Embarking on a journey to know the realm of I and we.
An illusion that, in a maze, seems so real,
Darkness is all I see, fear is all I feel.
I evolved through countless other realms quixotically,
And felt it all within me, perpetually.
Life continued on, the same days and nights,
But I found myself living in the realm of I and we.
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