About Me

I won’t burden you with a lengthy personal introduction, so here’s a quick snapshot: I’m a programmer by profession and a writer by passion.
However, I’d love to share my journey of becoming a writer, so here it begins.
My interest in literature sparked during some tumultuous times in my life: changing schools in 9th grade, navigating financial challenges, experiencing the untimely loss of significant people, and enduring the typical love crises during my college years.
I learned to cope with constant uncertainty and my habit of setting high expectations for myself. But it wasn’t until I experienced heartbreak that everything changed, teaching me a crucial lesson:
Speak up, or if you can’t, write it down.
My writing journey began with my first poem, “Night For You,” in 2007. It explored themes of hate, freedom, love, care, desire, and confusion. Even now, when I revisit that poem, it brings back vivid memories of that time and the wonderful, ongoing journey since.
I predominantly write about love, its passions, and the confusion it brings into my life. Each piece captures a thread of memory and a period in my life. I hope to weave these threads into a comprehensive story someday.
From the death of desire to the celebration of it,
From longing for one to belonging to another,
From the love of life to the hate of time,
This journey will never end, though I may run out of words…
That’s all for now.
Abhey Gupta