Night For You

Even with you here at night,
I’m lost in the depths of darkness.
No light to be seen, only the curse of pain,
as sorrow weaves a web of solitude.
Ecstasy rides the breeze of fresh rain,
but far away, a tunnel of nostalgia beckons.
My soul is ensnared by the monster of loneliness.
The sun rises, banishing the night,
yet my soul remains shrouded in confusion.
I wish to wander through the night,
where no one would know
that I cry for you in the silence.

In the quiet of the night, when shadows deepen and the world retreats into slumber, there is a particular kind of solitude that creeps in—a solitude that brings with it the memories of connections left unspoken and emotions left unexplored. The poem captures this essence, painting a poignant picture of a relationship that was never fully realized until it was too late.

The Silent Presence

“Even with you here at night,
I’m lost in the depths of darkness.
No light to be seen, only the curse of pain,
as sorrow weaves a web of solitude.”

In these lines, the poem speaks to the presence of someone close, yet not close enough to share the deepest vulnerabilities with. It’s a relationship marked by unspoken words and hidden feelings. Even though this person was a part of my nights, their presence couldn’t dispel the darkness within. Instead, their absence has made the solitude even more profound.

The Echo of Nostalgia

“Ecstasy rides the breeze of fresh rain,
but far away, a tunnel of nostalgia beckons.
My soul is ensnared by the monster of loneliness.”

Life moves on, bringing moments of fleeting joy, but there’s always that distant tunnel of nostalgia that calls out. It reminds me of the conversations and the silent understanding we shared. Now, in the absence of that connection, loneliness has become a constant companion, a monster that grips the soul.

The Unchanging Darkness

“The sun rises, banishing the night,
yet my soul remains shrouded in confusion.”

Despite the new days that dawn, bringing light and the promise of a fresh start, the confusion and darkness within persist. The realization of how much that person meant hits hard, and it’s only in their absence that the true depth of the bond becomes clear.

The Hidden Tears

“I wish to wander through the night,
where no one would know
that I cry for you in the silence.”

The poem concludes with a yearning to hide the pain, to wander through the night where no one can see the tears shed for the lost connection. It’s a desire to keep the vulnerability hidden, much like how the relationship itself was marked by unexpressed emotions.

Reflecting on Unspoken Connections

Sometimes, we only realize the significance of a relationship after it’s gone. This person was close enough to be a comforting presence but not so close that I felt I could reveal my deepest fears and feelings. It was a bond defined by silent support and unspoken understanding.

Now, in their absence, I find myself missing the simple act of talking to them, the comfort of their silent companionship. It’s a reminder that some connections, even if not fully realized, leave a lasting impact on our lives. They shape our nights and haunt our quiet moments, making us yearn for the solace we once took for granted.

This poem is a tribute to those unspoken bonds and the silent tears we shed for the people who were there but are now gone. It’s a reflection on the importance of acknowledging and cherishing every connection, no matter how understated, because once they’re gone, their absence can cast a long shadow on our hearts.


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